Meet Our Staff

At Baboquivari, we believe that open communication between home and school is one of the best ways to help our students succeed. If you ever have a question or concern for one of our teachers, please do not hesitate to contact him or her. You are welcome to send an email or contact our school office. We will take a message and the teacher will call you back as soon as he or she is able.

Office Phone: (520) 719-1250


Constance Onsae

Robert Russell
Assistant Principal of Curriculum and Instruction

Robert Villanueva
Assistant Principal of Operations and Student Services

Leyla Ochoa
Office Manager/Principal's Secretary

Maria Montano
Secretary to Assistant Principal of Operations and Student Services

Teachers and Staff

Omar Acuna

Jeila Mei Caburatan
U.S. History/Economics

Nicholas Coalson
BHS Exceptional Education

Damien Carlos

Lerma Costorio

Gabriel Cutler
8th Grade Social Studies

Anna Dalton
8th Grade ELA/AVID 8

Gabriel Davila
Vocational Agriculture

Margaret Dodson
BMS Exceptional Education

Michael Enis
T.O. History/T.O. Language 1 & 2

Arlene Flores Ali
Algebra 1/Geometry

Rachael Javidan
7th Grade Exceptional Education

Michael Juan
VoAg Instructional Aide

Traci Klein
8th Grade Science

Jesusa Llanes
8th Grade Math

Elizabeth Lopez
Digital Communications/Photography

Mark Marcos
BHS Exceptional Education

Clovia Martin
BMS Culture

Erin Martin
Physics/Earth and Space

Waylen Martin
Automotive Instructional Aide

Joseph Mease
P.E./Weight Training

Anthony Mushet
World History/Government

Samy Nalam

Pam Pancho
ESS Instructional Aide

Amanda Renegar
English 9/English 11

Kimberly Roach

Mary Grace Sadorra
Algebra 2/Finance Algebra

Vimyric Saligan
ELA 10/ELA 12

Noelle Tan
7th Grade ELA

Netallia Tsosie
7th Grade Science/AVID 7

Kenneth Wilson
ESS Instructional Aide

7th Grade Math

Student Services

Juana Antonio
Parent Liaison

Megan Haley
BMS & BHS Counselor

Alivia Lewis
Attendance Clerk

Tricia Logan

Tonwaya Narcho
Health Assistant

Barry Yabyabin
Behavioral Support Specialist

Support Staff

Foster Sahmie

Moristo Toro

Travis Listo

Taylor Miguel

Drake Patricio
Lead Custodian

Frank Tautolo, Jr.

Luis Velasco