Attendance Expectations

We expect all students to attend and be on time to school every day.

Parents should call the school office at (520) 719-1250 by 8:30 a.m. to report if their child will be absent from school.

We consider the illness of the students, a death in the family, family problems of an emergency nature, religious purposes, or medical appointments an excused absence.

A student reporting from an excused absence must bring a note from his/her parent/guardian or doctor verifying the reason for the absence. The student must give the note to the receptionist in the main office before the start of the school day.

The school will attempt to telephone the homes of students who are absent each day. Please call the school office if there are any changes in residence or phone numbers.

The registrar's office will drop the enrollment of students who have missed 10 or more consecutive days of school with unexcused absences on the 10th day. Students returning to school after 10 days of consecutive absences must re-register with the registrar before attending any classes.

Please be advised: Parent drop off ends at 10:00 a.m. If a student is tardy any time after that, a parent sign in is required and a doctor's note should be provided.